
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Kawaii School Supplies Shopping Spree!

I heard Lisa Frank school supplies were back at Walmart and I have always LOVED Lisa Frank's school supplies!!! So I went to Walmart as soon as I could and bought some notebooks and folders! They were some of-if not the prettiest-work from her I'd ever seen! 😍💖 My heart was so happy!!! 😆 I hadn't had ANYTHING Lisa Frank since I was a child, and had always dreamed of the day when her items would come back to stores! So my heart was overjoyed!

I also saw lots of other cute things when I was there like colored pens (which I'd been wanting for so long!), super cute unicorn socks that came in a glittery bag I could use to keep things in, some pink baskets, gorgeous unicorn notebooks, a sparkly silver clipboard, some headphones I want to deco den, and a black case and notebooks with sturdy plastic covers that I want to decorate with stickers!!! Originally I wasn't planning on all that but...I am so weak for cute school supplies! 😭😍💕💕💕 I spent the last of my savings on everything, but no regrets! I came home so happy!!! 😆

I have always loved studying, but I also love decorating my study items and studying is always more fun and lively when I have cute things to study with. It makes learning feel more magical to me. \^u^/

Here are some pics of my purchases, that I hope you guys will enjoy! ^^ 

(For clips of the glittery items please see my Instagram @eoljjangachim ♡ )

Sorry for the blur on some of the pics. I was trying to posts clips which looked better but they wouldn't upload 😅 So I took some screenshots. But for better quality you can see the clips on my Instagram page! ♡

Thanks for reading! I hope you all have a wonderful day! 😁💖

- Ah Nah*

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